A spot of window shopping


P1000085The shop window displays are superb here in Paris.  All sorts of retailers create beautiful windows, and some are exceptionally imaginitive.  One of my favourite ones is the lovely optometrist in Rue Legendre, not far from our apartment.  I have noticed before the cute artistic displays, and today on the way home from an afternoon walk I couldn’t resist stopping for a spot of window shopping – which by the way in French is to “faire du lèche-vitrine”. Literally translated as to lick the windows!  (Yes they do have you drooling.)

This optometrist is called UnicOptic by Justine, at 88 Rue Legendre at the corner with Rue Truffaut in the 17th .  Her website is really cool too with some inspiring creative talent www.unicopticbyjustine.com .

Leading up to Christmas there was a gorgeous window display using quirky wooden rabbits, and before that I remember noticing another captivating one with wooden ducks.  Now there are penguins in one window and polar bears in the other, all wearing fabulous glasses.

Of course the purpose of the window display is to attract attention to the items on sale.  And oh my, are these frames gorgeous or what!  Thank goodness I am short-sighted and need glasses.  A visit is necessary.P1000089P1000088

One thought on “A spot of window shopping

  1. […] around the shops, and so I headed out to Sternschanze / St. Pauli area to have a gander (or “to window lick” as the French would […]

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